AfAS Call for proposals: Action and project planning committees
The African Astronomical Society (AfAS) aims to be the voice of astronomy in Africa and to contribute to addressing the challenges faced by Africa through the promotion and advancement of astronomy, while creating a globally competitive and collaborative astronomy community in Africa. AfAS is a diverse and inclusive society focused on professional astronomers and supportive of outreach and amateur astronomers.
AfAS is seeking proposals for establishment of action and project planning committees, which will organise and administer significant activities that aim at advancing astronomy on the African continent.
The proposals must be informed by the following AfAS objectives:
- supporting collaborative international astronomical activities and projects in Africa
- cultivating collaboration among countries in Africa as well as collaborations between Africa and the rest of the world
- encouraging governmental and intergovernmental (AU) investment in astronomy related activities
- strengthening the teaching of science, technology, engineering and mathematics in schools and the public through the use of astronomy and related fields
- using astronomy to attract African youth into science, technology, engineering and mathematics careers
- providing mentorship, leadership and guidance to early-career astronomers
- increasing the number of African astronomers as well as the number of astronomers working in Africa
- organizing meetings and events pertaining to astronomy and related fields
- facilitating the use of existing international astronomical facilities, and, where necessary, the development of new astronomical facilities in Africa
- safeguarding astronomical sites in Africa
- inspiring and retaining underrepresented groups to study astronomy.
Proposal Criteria
- The proposal originator(s) must be a involved in the field of astronomy in Africa as a professional astronomer, young researcher, outreach officer or amateur astronomer.
- The proposer must ,where necessary, provide an estimated budget for the implementation of the action or project activities.
- The proposal originator(s) should be willing to collaborate in other action or project activities proposed to AfAS.
Submission Procedure and Guidelines:
- All proposals are to be submitted by email to the office of the AfAS secretariat:
- The proposal must contain the contact details of the originator.