All information about the SS1 session is given here: https://eas.unige.ch/EAS_meeting/session.jsp?id=SS1
This will be the 4th edition of the Africa-Europe research collaborations session organised in general on a bi-annual basis under the EAS annual meetings.
This year, with SS1, we aim to have a general reflection about the current status of Africa-Europe collaborations in astronomy for together building the road to the 2024 IAU General Assembly (GA), the first one to be held in Africa (https://astronomy2024.org/).
We expect that this event will burst the astronomy developments across the continent, from research and infrastructure developments to education and outreach, strengthening the initiatives that are already running, strengthening international collaborations between Africa, Europe and the rest of the world, also contributing to astronomy developments in those countries where still there is no much of astronomy. Many expectations and enthusiasm are there regarding the 2024 GA, which can be seen in the community-developed Vision 2024 document (https://astronomy2024.org/vision-2024/) that is freely available and that is under constant development, summarising all of the objectives behind the 2024 GA.
The principal topics to be covered under SS1 are:
– Science and infrastructure developments.
– Education, outreach and public awareness.
– Astronomy for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and strategies for bringing astronomy everywhere. Engagement with policy-makers.
Call for abstracts for SS1 is now open until March 1st under any of these 3 topics through the EAS system: https://eas.unige.ch/EAS2023/abstract_submission.jsp
For registration, please visit: https://eas.unige.ch/EAS2023/registration.jsp
For registration fee waivers and/or travel grants (deadline March 1st), please visit: https://eas.unige.ch/EAS2023/grants.jsp
We are looking forward to receiving your abstracts and seeing you at EAS2023.