A call for nominations for members of the next Executive Committees was issued to the African astronomy community; the Nominations Committee was after that tasked with reviewing the nominees to ensure that all meet the criteria agreed upon for nomination and that they are diverse in terms of geography, race, age, and gender. Below is the list of nominees who met the criteria as set out in the constitution of AfAS, the call for nominations, and who accepted the nomination. They will stand for election to become Executive Committee Members for the three years commencing 1st April 2022, and the President and Deputy President of AfAS will also be elected by the members of AfAS from nominees on this list.
Click here to view Nominees bios
Name of Nominee | Organization Affiliated to: | Country of Work | Nationality |
Ahmed Ammar | The Astronomical Society of Tunisia | Tunisia | Tunisia |
Alemiye Mamo | East African Regional Office of Astronomy for Development and Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute | Ethiopia | Ethiopia |
Claudio Paulo | Universidade Eduardo Mondlane | Mozambique | Mozambique |
Naomi Asabre Frimpong | Ghana Space Science and Technology Institute | Ghana | Ghana |
Oyirwoth Patrick Abedigamba | Kyambogo University, Uganda | Uganda | Uganda |
Elizabeth Naluminsa | SALT, SAAO | South Africa | Uganda |
James Chibueze | North-West University | South Africa | Nigeria |
Manasse Mbonye | University of Rwanda | Rwanda | Rwanda |
Maram Kaire | Senegalese Association for the promotion of Astronomy | Senegal | Senegal |
Mirjana Povic | Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute | Ethiopia | Spain |
Noorali Tayabali Jiwaji | The Open University of Tanzania | Tanzania | Tanzania |
Ramotholo Sefako | SAAO | South Africa | South Africa |
Shambel Sahlu Akalu | Entoto Observatory and Research Center | Ethiopia | Ethiopia |
Sinenhlanhla Sikhosana | UKZN | South Africa | South Africa |
Sthabile Kolwa | University of Johanessburg | South Africa | South Africa |
Thebe Medupe | University of the North West | South Africa | South Africa |
Yosry Ahmed Azzam | National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics | Egypt | Egypt |
Zouhair Benkhaldoun | Cadi Ayyad University – Oukaimeden Observatory – Morocco | Morrocco | Morrocco |